😉 sorry for my bad handwriting, i can do better but im lazy heh heh

I’m sorry but- 🤣 *shakes with silent laughter* (Credit: Pinterest)
Snape on a grape. THIS IS LEGENDARY. (Credit: Pinterest)
mYrTlE oN a tUrTlE XD (Credit: Animo Apps)
Totally makes sense 👁👄👁 (Credit: Someecards)
🥺 this is amazing (Credit: Bemorepanda)

Hey y’all!

Yes I was running out of ideas and yes I know it was a stupid idea to do this post

You do not know how much motivation I needed to take those pictures and put them in this post 🤡

To be real with you, I just don’t have that much motivation for blogging right now :,)

woah that sounds like im planning to leave, let’s * l i g h t e n * up the atmosphere gawsh maya you are a drama queen

not as much as sIrIuS BlACk “mY hAiR”

take note that im in a mood for no reason and im listening to bohemian rhapsody and simultaneously having a party in my head, im not this bad usually-

Goodbye for today! 👋

well that was abrupt-

i really gotta make a post where i just talk to that one voice in my brain

y’know, the one thats taking over the post right now

still abrupt maya-

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